
The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Open Science Conference is currently taking place in Kigali, Rwanda. More than 1400 experts are gathering in a concerted effort to ensure that advances in climate science keep up with the speed of climate change to support a more sustainable future for the planet. Below are some articles and blogs centered on the conference:


On 12 October 2023, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) launched the second State of Global Water Resources 2022 report. The secretary general of the WMO, Peter Taalas, introduced the report as a compilation of data on hydrological cycle changes, which serve to inform climate adaptation, mitigation, and water management policy. To read Anne-Lise's report, select the heading above.

State Water 22

Climate Colonialism

The My Climate Risk (MCR) Education Working Group conducted two webinars on "Climate and Colonialism" earlier this month. Here is a detailed highlight of the discussions.

Image: Wikipedia

The first official event in the lead-up to the WCRP Open Science Conference starts on Monday, 9 October 2023, at 8:00 CEST. The dedicated online poster session will be open to more than 1400 participants worldwide, with the presentation of research on many different themes, including the water cycle, hazards and extreme events, climate services, and much more. Click the heading above for more information on the poster sessions and on how to join us! 

Online poster session WCRP


We are delighted to welcome Naomi Goldenson as the first Director of the new WCRP International Project Office (IPO) for the Regional Information for Society Core Project. Naomi will lead the IPO to strengthen the links between climate research and the information needs of society.

Adaptation Futures QR code

The Walker Institute is organizing this side event at the Adaptation Futures 2023 conference in Montreal, Canada. The event will explore ways to bridge science and socio-political action, addressing multiple risks while responding to local adaptation needs. 

ClimateColonialismCanWeDoBetter final2 01

Can We Do Better? Climate Science and Colonialism - MCR Education Working Group Series on Climate and Colonialism