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WCRP Joint Scientific Committee (27-30 May 2024) in parallel with the 2nd Meeting of ANDEX

To download the report from the JSC-45 Session, click here.

The forty-fifth session of the WMO/IOC/ISC Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)  will be held from 27 May (08:00 AM) to 30 May 2024 at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH), Lima - Peru.

  • The 45th session of WCRP’s Joint Scientific Committee (JSC-45) will assess progress made by WCRP activities towards WCRP's goals and will advance the scientific program as documented in the Science and Implementation Plan.
  • The session will be essentially virtual (online participation via a zoom link) but will have a small in person element with JSC members gathering in Lima, Peru. The session will be back-to-back with an ANDEX meeting in Lima. WCRP activity representatives participating in the ANDEX meeting can also participate in person in the JSC meeting.
  • During Wednesday morning a public Peru Science Day will take place. An open public event is also being planned the Sunday night before the JSC meeting starts.
  • During the meeting, questions from all virtual participants can be submitted via the Chat Box. The WCRP Secretariat will moderate the chat and notify the chair as applicable
  • All times in the agenda are quoted in Lima time. Please see https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html for the respective times in your area.

The afternoon of 29 and 30 May: JSC-only Session

The JSC Meeting is by invitation only. Note that if an invitation/visa letter is required or for any other questions please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..