Webinar Series

Click on the boxes below to visit the summary page for each webinar series.

SLC DS Header
Tipping Points Discussion Series
Digital Earths Webinar Series
Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change (EPESC) Webinars - 1
Monsoons Webinars
CMIPSeminars image

Upcoming Webinars

  1. Moving Beyond Uncertainty: Rethinking Climate Models and Tipping Points - 5 November 2024, 15:00 CET. Register here for this webinar (Tipping Points Discussion Series)

  2. Approaches, Challenges, and Emerging Opportunities in Extreme Event Attribution - 12 November 2024, 12 noon UTC. Register here for this webinar (EPESC Webinar series)

  3. Pan-Australia Kilometre-Scale Weather and Climate Modelling: Bridging the Tropics and Midlatitudes19 November 2024, 21:00-22:00 UTC. Registration opens soon. (Digital Earths Webinar series)

  4. The LIAISE Land Surface Model Inter-comparison: What Goes Wrong When These Models Are Run at km-Scale Resolutions - 2 December 2024, 15:00 UTC. Register here for this webinar (Digital Earths webinar series on high-resolution land model and land-atmosphere coupling)