Upcoming Webinars

  1. Tipping Points Across Scales: Complexity in Social and Ecological Systems (Safe Landing Climates - Tipping Points Discussion Series) - 22 Jan 2025; 15:30 CET (Register here). 
  2. Groundwater representation in High-Resolution Land Modeling (Digital Earths - Land Modeling webinar series) - 3 Feb 2025; 15:00 UTC (Register here). 
  3. A Global Pan-Hackathon for Km-Scale Models (Digital Earths) - 4 Feb 2025; 16:00 UTC (Register here). 
  4. Using New Datasets for Coastal Flood Hazard Assessments in Australia (My Climate Risk - Australian hub) - 13 February 2025; 04:00 GMT+1 (Register here). 

Click on the boxes below to visit the summary page for each webinar series.

SLC DS Header
Tipping Points Discussion Series
Digital Earths Webinar Series
Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change (EPESC) Webinars - 1
Monsoons Webinars
CMIPSeminars image