Terms of Reference

  • Serve as a focal point for observations and data in WCRP
  • Advise JSC and coordinate with WCRP projects and working groups on issues pertaining to observations and climate data
  • Promote research using sustained observations and data from process studies across the WCRP
  • Promote assessment of the adequacy of sustained observations and derived products to support climate research
  • Promote assessment of gaps in the global observing system in cooperation with observation programmes
  • Promote coordinated assessment and comparison of climate-data products, including those from reanalyses
  • Promote research for continuing improvement in the processing and reprocessing of climate data
  • Promote development of mechanisms for archival and preservation of, access to and analysis of data and associated meta data
  • Promote standards for product generation, including global and regional reanalyses
  • Promote development of coupled data assimilation and a coordinated approach to reanalysis across all domains

WDAC should have the flexibility and resources to promote action within existing WCRP projects and panels or by appointing limited duration task teams to accomplish its tasks.