Members are appointed by JSC for a 3-year term with a possibility of two 2-year extensions:
- Chair and vice-chair (both independent)
- Representative from each of the 5 projects (SSG nominates, JSC confirms)
- Representative from each of the 3 GCOS panels (chairs or their nominees)
- Representative of the WCRP Modelling Advisory Council
- Representative from the Working Group on Regional Climate
- Representative of SOLAS (SOLAS SSC nominates)
- Representative of the Joint CEOS-CGMS WG Climate (Chair or Vice-chair)
- Representative of PCMDI (PCMDI nominates, JSC confirms)
- Representative from the biogeochemistry community
Representatives are ex-officio appointments representing their respective organizations. Other international agencies and observations coordinating bodies may participate as observer members of the Council.
The WCRP Data Advisory Council is expected to:
- communicate regularly by email, teleconference or videoconference
- meet in person, annually as a minimum
- encourage joint meetings of working groups and/or panels to promote communication or to launch focused joint initiatives
S. Tegtmeier | Co-chair & SPARC Rep., | University of Saskatchewan |
J. Schulz | Co-chair | EUMETSAT, Germany |
D. Bakker | University of East Anglia, UK | |
M. Bosilovich | NASA GSFC, USA | |
P. Gleckler | LLNL, USA | |
S. Pinnock | ESA Climate Office, UK | |
R. Roca | GEWEX Rep. | LEGOS, CNRS, France |
A. Rutgersson | SOLAS Rep. | University of Uppsala, Sweden |
T. Zhang | CliC Rep. | Lanzhou University, China |
M. Visbeck | JSC Liaison | GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Germany |
Ex-officio |
M. Balmaseda | Data Assimilation | ECMWF, UK |
L. Chen | CLIVAR Rep. | IAP, China |
T. Krug | GCOS/GCOS/WCRP TOPC Rep. | INPE, Brazil |
S. Speich / W. Yu | GCOS/WCRP OOPC Rep. | LMD-IPSL, France / SYSU, China |
P. Thorne | GCOS/WCRP AOPC Co-chair | University of East Anglia, UK |
A. Von Bargen | WG Climate | DLR, Germany |