Remote session, 9th, 15th and 16th December 2020
Please click here to view a few important house-keeping rules concerning the remote session
Draft agenda (as of December 16, 2020)
All times are GMT/UTC
For a .pdf file of the agenda, click here
For the .pdf file of the list of WGCM23 actions, click here
Wednesday 9 December 2020
DAY 1 | ||
12h30 | Connection and technical check | |
13h00 | 1. Welcome and introduction – WGCM Co-chairs | |
2. CMIP6 Status | ||
13h10 | 2a. CMIP6 Status (highlights, lessons learned, challenges) – V. Eyring | |
13h40 | 2b. WIP Status (lessons learned, challenges – P.J. Durack, M. Mizielinski, K. E. Taylor | |
14h00 | 2c. ECS Update – J. Meehl, C. Senior | |
14h15 | 2d. Discussion | |
14h30 | Break | |
3. CMIP7 Planning | ||
14h45 | 3a. CMIP7: Overview (including specification of emission forcing) - J.-F. Lamarque | |
15h00 | 3b. CMIP7 Survey – J.-F. Lamarque, P. Durack, J. Arblaster, R. Pincus | |
15h15 | 3c. Status on CMIP-Endorsed MIP documentation – R. Pincus | |
15h30 | 3d. WIP options for the future CMIP6+/EXT (Covid-MIP), CMIP7 – M. Mizielinski, P. J. Durack, K. E. Taylor | |
15h45 | 3e. DOE perspective on CMIP and discussion - J. Hnilo, R. Joseph and G. Geernaert | |
15h55 | 3f. Wrap-up/discussion | |
16:00 | End of Day 1 |
Tuesday 15 December 2020
DAY 2 | ||
20h30 | Connection and technical check | |
4. Modeling Group Presentations - CMIP6 Where are we now ?
Please use following guidance (10 mins each, max 5 slides)
21h00 | 4a. German Modelling Groups - J. Jungclaus (Max Planck Institute) |
21h10 | 4b. French Modelling groups - D. Salas y Melia (Météo France) |
21h20 | 4c. UK Modelling Groups - C. Senior (MOHC Hadley Centre) |
21h30 | 4d. EC-Earth - R. Döscher (SMHI) | |
21h40 | 4e. GFDL - Balaji (Princeton University) |
21h50 | 4f. CESM - G. Danabasoglu (National Center for Atmospheric Research) |
22h00 | 4g. Canadian Modelling Groups - G. Flato (Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis) |
22h10 | 4h. Australian Modelling Groups - S. Marsland (CSIRO) |
22h20 | 4i. Japanese Modelling Groups - M. Watanabe (University of Tokyo) | |
22h30 | 4j. Chinese Modelling Groups - T. Zhou (LASG, IAP, China) | |
22h40 | 4k. Indian Modelling Groups - S. Panickal (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)) | |
22h50 | 4l. Updating the CMIP6 data license - M. Juckes | |
23:00 | Break | |
23h15 | 4.m Discussion | |
24h00 | End of Day 2 |
Wednesday 16 December 2020
DAY 3 | ||
12h30 | Connection and technical check | |
5. Programmatic matter |
13h00 | 5a. Feedback from JSC41b, Model-data-home – P. Friedlingstein, J. Meehl, M. Rixen | |
13h15 | 5b. WMO Res 67 on CMIP, CMIP framework, CMIP-IPO – M. Rixen | |
13h30 | 5c. Link to regional modelling - M. Roberts and CORDEX update - C. Teichmann on behalf of S. Solman and D. Jacob | |
13h50 | 5d. Discussion | |
14h00 | Break | |
6. WGCM Science Directions | ||
14h15 | 6a. Multi-model ensembles – G. Flato |
14h30 | 6b. obs4MIPs and CREATE – P. Gleckler, S. Pinnock | |
14h45 | 6c. Evaluation (ESMValTool – M. Schlund, CMEC and other efforts - P. Gleckler | |
15h15 | 6d. Discussion | |
7. WGCM Business |
15h30 | 7a. Membership | |
15h40 | 7b. Actions arising | |
15h50 | 7c. Next meeting | |
16:00 | End of Day 3 and e-social gathering |