S2D conference banner

The "International Conferences on Subseasonal to Decadal Prediction" will bring together at one event researchers from both the subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction community as well as from seasonal-to-decadal predictions. The week-long event comprises both the "Second International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction (S2S)", the "Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction (S2D)" as well as a joint segment addressing mutual and emerging topics.

The meeting will be held Sept. 17-21 in Boulder, CO, USA. It is being jointly initiated by a range of activities within and close to the WCRP community, including the DCPP, GC-NTCP, WGSIP, S2S, and CLIVAR's DCVP panel. Abstract submission and applications for travel support are open until 16 March 2018. For full details, see the conference home page.