land use panorama of vietnam fields The IPCC invites nominations for Expert Reviewers for the First Order Draft of its "Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL)". Expert Reviewers should hold expertise in one or several of the report's five climate change-related focus areas, namely, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems.

Scheduled for publication in September 2019, the SRCCL is one of three Special Reports (SRs) within the IPCC's AR6 cycle. Its outline was agreed at the IPCC's 45th session in March 2017, and the First Order Draft is currently being finalized. Like all SR drafts, it will then undergo review by additional independent experts from around the world with a comprehensive range of scientific, technical and socioeconomic expertise on the respective subject areas. For this review of the SRCCL FOD, the IPCC is currently inviting self-nominations.

The review phase will last from from 11 June 2018 to 5 August 2018, and registration will be open until 29 July 2018. Two further review phases are foreseen, one by experts and governments towards Fall 2018, and a final government review in Spring 2019.

For further information, please consult the official announcement on the SRCCL's FOD review; the expert registration form; as well as the SRCCL homepage, featuring its agreed outline and timeline.


The IPCC Special Report on “climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems” arises from a cluster of several initial proposals of special reports, and will be one of the outputs of the IPCC AR6 cycle. These five topics are complexly interconnected with each other and with climate change. Additionally, many climate change impacts and adaptation and mitigation practices will affect multiple topics to be covered in this Special Report. Climate change can be a significant driver of desertification and land degradation and can affect food production, thereby, influencing food security. Delivering food security has implications for GHG emissions and climate, since agriculture is a significant emitter of GHGs and demand for different foods greatly impacts GHG emissions. Sustainable land management, on the other hand, can help to deliver food security, to reduce GHG emissions (and create carbon sinks), and to reduce desertification and degradation – but climate change might affect the sustainability of land management. The key areas outlined in the title of this special report are interdependent and so need to be tackled in a highly integrated way.