YOPPThe World Meteorological Organization (WMO) officially launched the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) during the WMO Executive Committee meeting #69 in Geneva, Switzerland. From mid-2017 to mid-2019, scientists and operational forecasting centers from various countries will work together to observe, model, and improve forecasts of the Arctic and Antarctic weather and climate systems. WCRP is working with our sister organisation, the World Weather Research Programme, to ensure the success of the Year of Polar Prediction.

This two-year international effort, which aims to close gaps in polar forecasting capacity, will lead to better forecasts of weather and sea-ice conditions to improve future environmental safety at both poles. There is a YOPP media kit available with various information including infographics, videos, picture material and a "YOPP explorer" where activities during the Year of Polar Prediction are shown on a map.

There is also a YOPP YouTube channel with the new ICO WMO AWI video production on Polar Prediction and a video with polar prediction experts explaining what the Year of Polar Prediction is about.