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Interested in better understanding the extent that recent drought phenomena are influenced by human activity? The Royal Society just published an interdisciplinary collection of articles discussing both risks of and contributors to drought in the Anthropocene. This research spans a range of topics, including the influence of meteorological droughts upon hydrological droughts, the planetary boundaries of freshwater use, and the economics of managing water crises.
The introductory article “Drought risk in the Anthropocene” highlights and summarizes the research in this issue, which is fully available here.
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The WCRP Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change Lighthouse Activity invites you to join the second webinar of the series that will provide a discussion forum on topics focused on predicting and explaining a range of different climate phenomena and events, while supporting the further development of a scientific agenda.
This second webinar will focus on the Triple La Niña and will provide a view of causes, key processes and prediction of such event.
- Mike McPhaden (NOAA, USA): Causes and Consequences of the 2020-2022 La Niña
- Fei Zheng (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, China): Key processes on triggering the multi-year La Niña event as revealed by seasonal climate predictions
- Xian Wu (UCAR, USA): Predicting the duration of La Niña events using the CESM multiyear forecast systems
The event will take place on 22 November 2022, from 15:00hs to 16:30hs UTC. Speakers will give a 20-minute talk each followed by a round table discussion, with questions from participants.
Registrations are free, https://EPESC-webinar-triple-la-nina.eventbrite.co.uk
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The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and the Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) project are pleased to announce the release of the "History of the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project", a report authored by William B. Rossow, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of the City College of New York.
40 years ago, the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) was launched to collect and analyze global satellite observations of Earth’s clouds for climate research. This report covers the planning and inception of ISCCP and its evolution, including two version updates: the first led to better understanding of cloud types and their vertical structures, and the second helped to support cloud process studies by taking advantage of advances in satellite measurements. The current conceptual framework of the project now aims to understand the full role of clouds in weather and climate variation. Possible uses of the data and a new direction for ISCCP are also discussed. To read the report, click here.
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The SOLAS Summer School is a regular, international event with the goal of providing multidisciplinary air-sea interaction background to the next generation of Earth System scientists. The next in-person School will take place from 5-16 June 2023 at the Ocean Science Centre Mindelo on Cape Verde. For more information and to apply for the in-person Summer School 2023, please use the form provided on the website. Applications must be submitted by 25 November 2022.
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The My Climate Risk (MCR) - Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) Regional Hub, through the Ateneo Institute of Sustainability, invites you to the final session of its first online webinar series, "Climate Voices on the Ground: Perspectives from Different Sectors", which seeks to foster discussion on the contexts and experiences of climate change among different communities and stakeholders. This final session takes place this Friday, October 28 from 8:00-9:30 AM UTC. More information is available here.
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PRESS RELEASE: A group of 28 sea-level scientists and practitioners of the World Climate Research Programme Grand Challenge on Regional Sea Level and its Impacts has released a new estimate for high-end sea-level rise. The new estimates are based on multiple lines of evidence and physical plausibility for each sea-level component, including the critical Antarctic ice sheet contribution. For more information, click the heading above.
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University of Massachusetts will be new host of the CliC International Project Office
We are excited to announce that in 2023 the WCRP Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) International Project Office (IPO) will move to the University of Massachusetts (UMass) Amherst. The office will be funded by the US National Science Foundations (NSF) and the National Aeronautics and Spatial Administration (NASA), and with in-kind support from UMass. WCRP thanks Raymond Bradley and Robert de Conto, both at the School of Earth and Sustainability at UMass, for their hard work in making this happen.
“Establishing the CliC IPO at UMass Amherst is a logical extension of the University’s existing research program in climate science, paleoclimatology, and cryospheric studies”, says Ray Bradley.
In the next few months several new positions will be advertised: for a Director, Program Officer, and Communications Specialist of the IPO.
Click the heading above to find out more.
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20 October 2022, 15:30 - 17:00 CEST
We are excited to announce an upcoming event on coral reefs in the Discussion Series: Tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt change in the Earth system. The event includes presentations from David Obura and Joanie Kleypas on the potential tipping of coral reefs and related impacts on ocean ecosystems. Click the heading above to find out more and to register.