WCRP Director David Carlson resigns from WCRP. This is his message to the WCRP Community, partners and friends: For personal reasons and with the welfare of WCRP in mind, I will resign as Director of the Joint Planning Staff for WCRP effective30 June 2017. I hope that I have helped sharpen WCRP’s grand challenges, supported the core projects and their international project offices, and injected fresh ideas. I have certainly recruited and enjoyed working with a talented JPS staff. I can not...
We extend a very warm welcome to José Santos, CLIVAR's new International Project Office Director. Many of you will have read the official announcement or met José at the 38th Session of the Joint Scientific Committee in Paris. To get to know José even better we asked him three questions.
The Climate and Ocean: Variability, Predictability and Change (CLIVAR) project is one of WCRP's four core projects. CLIVAR’s mission is to understand the dynamics, the interaction, and the predictability of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system. To this end it facilitates observations, analysis and predictions of changes in the Earth’s climate system, enabling better understanding of climate variability and dynamics, predictability, and change, to the benefit of society and the environment in...
Highlights of CLIVAR's April Bulletin include: Latest CLIVAR Exchanges is now online CLIVAR endorsed the 'Years of the Maritime Continent (YMC) Research Project' CLIVAR International Symposium on Boundary Currents COST/CLIVAR Workshop on Ocean Reanalyses and Inter-comparisons Sub-seasonal to Seasonal prediction project (S2S) - review questionnaire - inputs welcome by 31 May 2017 COST/CLIVAR Workshop on Ocean Reanalyses and Inter-comparisons Fellowships, scholarships, upcoming events and...
An overview of the 38th Session of the Joint Scientific Committee (JSC-38) in Paris, France - 3-7 April 2017. A complete overview of the official meeting is now available!